Category: Creation

Although I have spent my whole working life in computer technology, my academic background is actually in pure science, having studied physics and biology to A-level and chemistry to degree level. I was brought up on a 'diet' of evolution, but as a Christian have always taken an interest in the creation vs evolution debate. After a number of years I finally came to the place of being fully convinced that the Biblical account of creation and the Flood is infinitely more reasonable than the Theory of Evolution, even from a scientific point of view. The aim here is to try and present some thoughts on the issue in plain simple language.
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DNA – Part 2

[Posted on: 08 April 2024]

(A masterpiece of precision engineering)

In DNA Part 1, we looked at the way that DNA is coded, effectively using a 4 letter alphabet. We are now going to look at the way that it replicates itself.

Our bodies are constantly producing new cells, be it in the the process of growth, reproduction or replenishment of old cells. As was said in Part 1, every single cell of our bodies (with the exeception of a few cell types) contains a full copy of our genetic blueprint. When a new cell is created, the full DNA set (all 3.2 billion letters) has to be copied. How is this done with such accuracy? (more…)

DNA – Part 1

[Posted on: 01 April 2024]

(A advanced message coding system with a 4-letter alphabet)

Nowadays DNA is a well known concept, especially with the extensive use of DNA testing in many areas such as forensic science. We all know as well that we possess things called genes, these being the biological entities that make each one of us who we are and are used to pass on characteristics from parent to offspring. For some, this may be as far as the knowledge of such things goes, so now for a bit more detail. (more…)

Starting Point

[Posted on: 01 April 2024]

(We have to decide)

No-one has been around long enough to have witnessed the origin of the earth or the universe. Whilst this may seem a ridiculous statement of the obvious, it is nevertheless one way of saying that we cannot systematically prove how the universe came into being using conventional scientific methods. Unable to do so, that leaves us with the task of having to look at the evidence available and build a scientific model that fits the facts. If more than one model is possible, then we have to decide on our starting point. (more…)

Creation vs Evolution – Introduction

[Posted on: 27 March 2024]

Belief in the Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution has become the norm in contemporary society. As a result, the Biblical account of Creation, Adam & Eve and the Flood tends now to be written off as mere myth and fairy tales. Sadly there are even professing Christians who would claim that these stories are allegorical rather than literal.

What is perhaps often not realised is that behind the scenes, many educated and qualified scientists who are also committed Christians, have been researching the subject of creation versus evolution for many years. (more…)